News Overview


Broken Symmetry

‘What was once a pretty picture in a postcard is now muddy, cruel, slippery, maddening and never-ending. You think about your home and your husband and your children and your garden. You think of heat and sun. And you are the most homesick you have ever been in your life.’

Excerpt from Broken Symmetry published in the SCWC 2021 Anthology: Legacies

Thank you South Coast Writers Centre!


The Sleeping Giant

So excited my short story, The Sleeping Giant will be published in the 2021 UTS Anthology Bloom

‘All of this seems exaggerated and I wonder if I have misplaced myself as frankly, this seems to have nothing to do with me.’

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And Just Like That

A prose piece published in the HWC’s 2021 anthology Grieve, Stories of Grief and Loss

‘I felt a seismic shift, the tremor of the earth’s crust redeploying itself to another position, forever altered.’

Thank you to the Hunter Writer’s Centre


Empty Sky

November 2020

Great to be joining the editorial committee for the 2021 UTS Anthology.

Lots of great reading over the Summer.

Get your copy of Empty Sky the 2020 UTS Anthology from Booktopia or Amazon.

The Boy On The Blue Bike.jpg

Boy on the Blue Bike

May 2020

Delighted The Boy On The Blue Bike was chosen from over 300 entries, making the longlist of 18 for the 2020 Peter Carey Short Story Award!


The Award is organised by the Moorabool Shire Council.


Cloud Failure

March 2020

Thrilled to make the shortlist for the 2020 Penguin Literary Prize with my first novel Cloud Failure.

The prize in its third year, aims to find and develop new Australian authors of literary fiction and nonfiction awarding the prize for an unpublished manuscript.

Congratulations to all the other finalists! 


november 2020

Great to be joining the editorial committee for the 2021 UTS Anthology.

Lots of great reading over the Summer.

Get your copy of Empty Sky the 2020 UTS Anthology from Booktopia or Amazon.